EAM-Mosca spare parts can be shipped within 24-48 hours (excluding weekends) to reduce interruptions and possible downtime. For added convenience, a recommended spare parts list is available for all machine models to have at hand quickly.
Spare parts inventories are kept at our three company locations in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Ontario, Canada, and Nuevo Leon, Mexico. In addition, our service technicians are equipped with mobile inventories of standard parts.
EAM-Mosca Spare Parts Benefits
Please fill in the form below to request parts. If you do not know your parts number, contact our service department for further assistance. Call 570-459-3426 or email service@eammosca.com.
To locate your serial number see the machine sticker/plate on the side of the machine. The serial number is listed below the model name and will start with ‘S/N’. Older machines will start with ‘N/R’.